Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Back on the wagon

I originally started this blog to help hold myself accountable for my weight loss. In reading what I have written in the past month, I have done very little of that. Shame on me. I am only down 3 pounds after 3 weeks. Yes, I know, a loss is a loss. But I just keep thinking about what I could be losing if I really focused.

In the past I have lost 2-3 pounds a week when I have been focused. That is 1200-1500 calories a day, and the gym 5 days a week. I got back on the 1200-1500 calorie thing, sort of...with a few little hiccups, but I cannot get myself to the gym to save my life.

There are several reasons:

1) I hate going at this time of year. It is always so packed with people who just made new years resolutions that I can't get on a treadmill to save my life. And I really do not want to wait in line to work out. I have far better things to be doing with my time.

2) This is our busy season at work so I am putting in massive hours.

3) I have been sick.

But as I type these out I realize they are nothing but excuses. I have been busy before, I have been at the gym during its peak times, and I have gone when I have been sick and with broken bones. Why is it so hard to get on track again? 2 years ago when I started working on myself I was so focused that you couldn't get a lick of sugar past these lips. Now, I find an excuse for everything. What changed and how do I get what I had back?

Anyone with any suggestions, please, give them to me. I am open.

Also, if anyone has tried the Fat Flush program I would love to hear from you. I have had success and like what it does for me...but I can't get down the hot water with lemon in the morning. I know this is a key component in helping with water retention but I dread that part each and every morning! Email if you have suggestions at law10_9@yahoo.com or post in comments. Thanks.

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