Monday, December 31, 2007

Another Update

So life continues to roll on. My weekends consist of driving to Marshfield to spend time with mom. This however will be the longest stretch I have not seen her since this all began...5 days assuming I go up this weekend. Which my husband is trying to get me not to do..."for my mental health". What he doesn't get is that my stomach is all a knot each day until my dad gets there and can tell me how she is doing.

A brief update on her health:

Heart: Doing ok...they are playing with some meds but nothing serious
Kidneys: Same
Head: A tiny bit better. This weekend she even asked some questions which is a huge step forwards.
Rest of body:

I just need to vent here about the physical therapy she is getting. It is sporadic to say the least. On Wednesday last week my father had to bring in the Hosptial Patient Advocate groupb because PT wasn't showing up at all. So Thursday and Friday she got great PT...but then Saturday and Sunday they didn't even get her out of bed! So back to the drawing board on that. I told dad to raise some hell if I post asking for bail money for him you will know why!

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