Monday, May 14, 2007

WW Week 1/Mothers Day

Week 1 loss: 6 pounds

Please do not cheer or say way to go or anything like that. This is still part of the 10 pounds I have gained and lost all year long. When I get below those 10 pounds we can celebrate.

How was everyones Mothers day? Hope everyone got breakfast in bed, flowers or what not. I spent the weekend with my their house, sleeping on the couch. To say that I was annoyed this weekend would be putting it mildly. Let me try to explain.

My parents are 69 (dad) and 64 (mom) and they retired to the little town my dad grew up in in central Wisconsin. Population under 100. Mom grew up in the city and dad lived in the city for years. They act though like southern hill billies, without manners, saying things like they don't have a clue what the term "politically correct" means...and it is embarrasing. They also act like they are 80 instead of in their 60's. Like life is ending tomorrow. Now my mom does have health issues I won't go into...but they are all doom and gloom. It was a depressing weekend in which I cleaned, cooked and grocery shopped. Heck I even took a walk just to get out of there for awhile.

We did go to brunch where I got to see my adorable neice. She was all over my father snuggling him. He was oblivious. Their picture is up top, she is trying to get attention and he is spewing on about the crooked government or something like that.

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